Creditsafe currently has over 365 million instantly available reports across 160 countries. Depending on the package you signed up with, your access to international reports may be limited.

After logging in your Creditsafe homepage will display a "Quick Company Search" bar - to search for an international business report, you can choose to use this search or use the Advanced Company Search via the "Company Search" option in the left-hand menu.

For the purposes of this guide, we will use the Company Search via the left-hand navigation. To search for an international business report select the business’ country on the drop-down menu, any country with a green circle next to it has reports that are instantly available online. If the country has a grey circle, it means that only fresh investigations are possible here.

Here you will be asked for company identification details for the business you wish to view a report for. This information may vary across countries, but typically includes both company name and business/registration number. The more information you can fill out, the more relevant your search results will be.

If you do not have access to the international regions you wish to view, please contact your Account Manager to discuss your package options.