Select the "Search" tool on the left hand menu in Protect 

From here you can search against LexisNexis World Compliance data set. Select Business or Individual in the top left hand corner.

Fill in the relevant search criteria and click ‘Search’. Minimum search criteria for a business is ‘Name’. Minimum search criteria for an individual are ‘First Name’ or ‘Initial’ and ‘Last Name’. Remember that the less information you put in, the broader the search will be, and the more detail you give, the more specific the results will be. 

Search Results

Once you have put in your search criteria and hit ‘Search’ you will be directed to the ‘Results Page’. Here you can see the possible matches to your search criteria in LexisNexis World Compliance. For each possible match you will see:

  1. ‘Name’  - Entity Name or Individual's Name
  2. Match - LexisNexis’ Match Score (relevancy score based on your search criteria)
  3. Reason Listed – The reason the profile exists e.g., Fraud, Disciplined, Sanctioned (Full list available in glossary)

If your search returns no results you will see the following page: 

If you want proof of this search for audit purposes you can select ‘Download Reports’ in the bottom left of the screen. This will generate a ‘No Match Report’ which will state:

  1. The full search criteria used
  2. The details of the user who completed the search 
  3. The date and time the search was completed
  4. ‘No Records Were Found Matching Your Search Criteria’ Statement

If you would like to add the search criteria to a Profile select the button in the bottom right hand corner.

If your search does return results, you can view further information on the entity or individual by selecting the downward arrow next to the reason listed. This will expand that report allowing you to view more information.