Searching for a company within the Creditsafe system is easy and you are able to perform the following searches:

    1. Quick search

    2. Advanced search


1: Quick Search 

  • Quick search for a company is the fastest way to get search results. 
  • Enter the name of the business in the 'Quick Find a Business' search bar on your dashboard.
  • Click the red 'Search' button to perform the search.

2: Advanced Search

  • To perform an advanced search for a UK company, click the tab 'Company Search' (highlighted below), or the "Go to Advanced Search" text below the Quick Company Search bar.
  • You are then able to input further information into fields such as:
    1. VAT Number
    2. Telephone Number
    3. House Name/Number
    4. Street
    5. City/Town
    6. Post Code
    7. Company Status

  • Once happy, click 'Search' 
  • Changed your mind? Just click 'Reset All' to start over

Search Results: 

  • The search results page will show a number of possible company matches
  • Click on the relevant company name to view the full company credit report